Maritime Law Enforcement

The U.S. Coast Guard and the police services of the surrounding communities provide emergency rescue and law enforcement on the bay. All monitor Channel 16. If you need help on the water but are not in immediate peril, the government services will refer you to a commercial towing service.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife


Phone: 888-334-2258

Establishes and enforces fishing regulations….

Marin County Sheriff

1600 Los Gamos Dr. #200, San Rafael, CA 94903


Phone: 415-332-5422

Operates one patrol boat….

Oakland Police Department

Phone: 510-777-3333

Richmond Police Marine Unit


Phone: 510-620-6940

The Richmond Police Marine Unit utilizes three vessels and has a crew of six police officers.  The Unit patrols Richmond’s shoreline and into the San Francisco Bay.  The Marine Unit’s assets are:

  • 37 FT. aluminum catamaran-style vessel, “Liberty”.
  • 28 FT. Rigid Inflatable Vessel (RAIV), “Rescue 28”.
  • 23 FT. Rigid Inflatable Vessel (RAIV), “Rescue 23”

The Marine Unit’s primary role is to enforce laws, protect the community, conduct search and rescue operations as required. They also educate recreational boaters about maritime laws and boat safety.  They collaborates with local, State and Federal maritime law enforcement agencies

San Francisco Police Department

Police Headquarters 1245 3rd St, San Francisco, CA 94158


Phone: 415-553-8090

San Francisco Police Boats
San Francisco Police Boats | Photographer: Michael Slater / BoatingSF

This phone number is for emergencies only. For non-emergency calls, phone 415.553.0123. The SFPD has a small fleet of police boats. Marine unit phone 415.409.1010….

Sausalito Police Department

29 Caledonia St, Sausalito, CA 94965


Phone: 415-289-4170

U.S. Coast Guard


Phone: 800-246-7236

510-437-3701 – For maritime emergency use only

US Coast Guard Cutters at Coast Guard Island
Photo: Twin Cutters at Coast Guard Island

District ElevenDistrict encompasses the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, and the coastal and offshore waters. Coast Guard District and Pacific Area headquarters located on Coast Guard Island in Alameda, California along the east side of San Francisco Bay.

If there is an imminent threat to life or property, don’t hesitate to call the Coast Guard on Channel 16. But if you’re just inconvenienced (for example, drifting without power but not near any hazard…


Useful Links

California Division of Boating and Waterways – Laws and Regulations

California Division of Boating and Waterways – ABC of California Boating

California Legislation Information – Harbors and Navigation Code

CalFish Fisheries Management –  Fishing Regulations

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